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Pc home survey

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By Paul Trotter
June 7, 2010

LONDON - Former IBM President Thomas Watson was famously quoted as saying there was “a world market for maybe five computers”, but now it seems one in five people has at least that many in their own home.

According to a PC Advisor survey, the majority of households (60%) have three or more computers and only 14% are stuck in the dark ages with just one.
We asked readers to reveal how many desktops or laptops were currently in use in their home, and one in three reported having four or more. Over 20% of PC Advisor’s admittedly tech-savvy audience had five or more PCs at home.

The figures demonstrate the extent to which the home computing revolution has impacted family life, with some PC Advisor forum users revealing that each member of the household now has their own dedicated PC or laptop, while others have family PC or media centre PCs on top. Furthermore, many people have a laptop for working on the move and, in few extreme cases, servers for business use

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